Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Review of the sleep challenge and a thought about choices...

Review of the sleep challenge... 
First of all I wanted to say that the getting more sleep thing is starting to pay off, and although I think its going to take time it is already making a difference to how well I manage the little things which go wrong.

Also I have no had any nightmares for 5 nights in a row now! Which is fab!!! Richard has been praying for me, I have been trying to hand any worries I might have left over from the day back to God before I sleep, I am trying to be very careful about the kind of movies I watch and Richard and his friend fasted and prayed for me on Monday about the nightmares and the feeling low... So that is all great and as I said I'm seeing the results.

After my last post, I went to bed. still feeling a little confused, frustrated and low about life (as was seen in my earlier edition of the last post) But something incredible happened that night. Richard had gone out to help with a church group and, at the advice of a friend, he had put some Christian worship music on in the car, nice and loud and had a good old chat with God, all the way to the group and all the way back... and you know what, when he got home he seemed like a changed man...

His whole face and countenance had changed. His eyes were so happy and sparkly, and he was full of smiles, somehow, something had happened to him during his time with God on the road and he had come home full of hope! Hope for the future, hope for healing of the past, and hope for our family. Somehow he had found great strength in letting God into the situation and choosing to praise God even when he didn't feel like it.

It was certainly a very interesting idea and I was so amazed to see him so happy!

The next day - Richard took Charlotte out with him for an hour or so and left me with strict instructions to spend some time with God for myself. I wasn't so sure as I had huge amounts of house work to do, but I had seen the difference it had made to Richard the night before and how he was still happy in the morning so I gave it ago. It certainly made me feel a lot better, but I even though it doesn't seem like it, I do know that we cant actually base our whole lives on how we feel. I remembered my aunt telling me that Psalms in the bible was kind of like King David's Blog, where he wrote about his ups and downs and how he seemed to be one of the most normal people you read about in the bible. So i decided to take a look at Psalms for myself. One verse stood out to me above all the rest, mainly because it was repeated 3 times in the 2 psalms I read, but it seemed really relevant to my life right then. The verse said:

"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my Salvation and my God. "

I was amazed! Here was David feeling down and depressed, and yet he told his soul, that he would still praise God. He made a choice to praise him even when he didn't feel like it.

This really spoke to me and reminded me that the way we react to things in our lives is a choice that we have to make, and we are responsible for the actions we take, based on these choices. Our feeling change all the time and it is best to base our actions on facts that we know to be true,and not on how we feel at the time.

Still a theory at this point.. what do you think?

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