Thursday, 25 November 2010

2 days to go and the tension is mounting...

The stress is building and although it was a good day, the girls and I went to the park and then to bounce and play (a fun indoor play place for kids) There is a definate tension in the air and the time for the big interview draws near. Some days it is really easy to give it all to God and to not worry. To trust they we will be in the right place at the right time and that Life will work out. Other days my brain starts asking really annoying questions, like "What are you going to do if he doesn't get in?" "HOw will you ever get out of the mess you are in?" "How will Rich cope if he fails? How will you cope if he fails!!!!"

The truth is I just don't know, and worrying about it is not going to help things. It's going to make me grumpy, moody, sad and depressed. It wont help me sleep and it wont he Rich, in fact worrying is actually more like to to make him fail than to help him. So I need to let it go, and just support him.

It's a very tough job trying to be supporting, to know what to say at the right time and when to keep my mouth shut. To know how much to expect from him and to make allownses for the stress. To know it's the stress talking and not really him and to be a good wife. I know I can't do it in my own strength.

I didn't want to make this Blog all about God but the fact it that God is now a huge part of my life. I thought he was before but really he wasn't I could talk the talk but I certainly didn't walk the walk. I beieved in God but I didn't know him.

I don't think that God has made these bad things happen, but I know he has made it work for good. That though it I have become a stronger person and that by giving my worries to him I can then get on with the job at hand. So today I make a physical step of Casting my worries on him, because I know that he does care for me. I know that he knows the plans he has for us and that if I commit my ways to him and trust in him that he will act. That if I seek him first that he will take care of my every need and will walk with me every step of the way...

So I'm sorry if you are not hear to read about God, but it wouldn't be a true story of my life if I didn't talk about the people in my life and he is def in my life right now!

Trust in God with all your heart and lean not o your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS!

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